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Bolivia » La Paz & Death Road
2012-05-06 ( Sunday ) 02:29:50 GMT+1
We came to La Paz with one mission - the Death Road! It is a tourist attraction which gives you the opportunity to try extreme off road mountain biking. And of course, that sounded attractive to us! :)
Today it is an attracion for "gringos" (white ppl), but it was once the only way from La Paz to the mountains, for transport. It is a very narrow path, which was a two way road (!!!!) before. Trucks and buses tried to pass each other, on a way where we found passing each other on BIKES was hard...
The weather again, was pretty bad, and at some point we couldn´t see anything... which maybe was better we think now! On the other hand, it was wet and really slippery, which made it even more challanging! : ) It was a really cool experience! You actually manage parts where you are sure you will not! Big stones, mud everwhere, rocks, and water... and you are still on the bike! Pretty impressed that we made it all the way down! : )
An extra day in the huge city of La Paz, and the crazy hostel Wild Rover. Walking around the city, we also had the opportunity to see a Bolivian wedding!
We were now getting ready for Uyuni and the SALT FLAKES!!! Only 13 hours on the bumpiest roads in the world! :)
petra lövgren




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