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Peru » Lake Titicaca - Peru and Bolivia
2012-04-28 ( Saturday ) 21:32:48 GMT+1
Exhausted after the Inca Jungle, but still curious about more places, we jumper on a Wight bus to Puno, a city next to Lake Titicaca! We stopped there, to visit the famous floating islands, before we jumped on the next bus to cross the border to Bolivia.
Even though we are convinced the floating islands the tourists visit are fake, there are still families living on such today, and it was pretty interesting to see – very different.
We met Chloe, from England, on the way and she joined us on the bus to Copacabana, Bolivia. We crossed the border without any problems, and arrived to the very touristic little town, Copacabana, and guess what? We passed out again!
So intense, and so many things we are doing and seeing, we don’t even have the energy to pack anything up from our bags… but then that’s pointless, since we are moving the next day again : )
So of course, the next day we took the ferry over to Isla del sol – a beautiful island on lake Titicaca!
This lake is the second biggest lake in South America, and is also famous due to the salt water. An interesting fact is that the there is a layer of fresh water on the top, which the locals actually drinks (but if you’re a tourist, don’t try that :) ), and underneath there is a layer of salt!
They have delicious trout fish, that is something we can confirm! And no matter how strong stomach you have, the water is gonna screw you up, that is also something we can confirm! : ) It is impossible to avoid!
Back to Isla del sol ; we went on the later ferry, together with Daniel from Denmark (from the Inca Jungle trip) and Chloe, so we arrived in the afternoon, and did the walk from the south to the north, which was a beautiful 3 hours walk through a really local island, with no tourists at all! The tourists stayed with the first donkeys on the south, we continued with the other donkeys, pigs, dogs, and god know what more : ) : )
We spent the night there, and went back to Copacabana the next morning, after that a donkey woke us up!! They use the strangest sounds ever! You stand up to see if you should run out and rescue the donkey, or just scream at it to shut up! Well, it worked, cause it got us out of bed! : )
From Copacabana, we went by bus to La Paz, where we are at the moment, to do the famous Death Road! Pics when we will have internet again! : )

Asia N.







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