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United States » Yosemite National Park
2012-04-13 ( Friday ) 21:29:11 GMT+1
After the last exhausting, 20 min (?!), walk in Death Valley (so damn dry and hot), we decided to head towards our last destination of this loop - Yosemite National Park!
It was definitely an awesome last stop - a very good decision! Again, it was worth listening to the locals!! Dan, from whom we had the car, helped us planning our route, and he knew what he was talking about, big time! Thanks DJ!
We camped in Yosemite for two nights, which was awesome! In the middle of the forest, with campfires and everything! :) It is famous for its waterfalls, and we managed to see them all during the 3 days we stayed there! Really beautiful spots, and a perfect place to just relax, and do some hiking!
We finished our loop by driving back to San Jose, to Dan, and we were proud of ourselves and the Jeep! :) Almost 4000 km, 3 states, some cool cities, and a lot of wonderful nature! Everything from snow to desert, from white sheets in a hotel, to camping among the Grizzly bears! C-H-E-C-K!
We are done with the first part of the US. The second part will be in 6 weeks! Before that - Latin America, here we come!
Keep your fingers crossed for us!!!
Next: Lima, Peru





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