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United States » Death Valley
2012-04-13 ( Friday ) 09:24:36 GMT+1
We stayed for another couple of days in Vegas... gambled a bit, got sick, etc... but "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" :)
One thing we wanna share though, is our "Easter moment". Jessie's godmother, Eliza, was determined to keep the tradition of giving the kids their "easter-eggs" - always packed with candy! This year, we were all away, so she transfered a symbolic amount to our accounts and expected pictures and proof of what we got for it.
So... our "easter-egg" this year was a lunch buffet in Harrahs Hotel! As we've said before, as long as you keep away from the casino, everything is cheap and good in Vegas! :) So first comes the pictures and evidence of that!
When we finally made it from Vegas (which wasn't easy), we drove to Death Valley. It is a valley that ones was a salt lake, and there is NOTHING there, except for COOL views and A LOT of sand and salt !
We decided to stay in the most expensive lodge availble (so one out of 3 maximum? It is seriously in the middle of NOWHERE). That we actually stayed on the parking and slept in the car OUTSIDE the lodge is something we should keep of the record maybe? Or at least out of the rangers knowledge :)


mamma Kiki

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