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Australia » Food Market, Kangaroos and “See you later” Melbourne!
2012-02-01 ( Wednesday ) 07:23:18 GMT+1
During our stay, we also had the opportunity to experience a food market in central Melbourne - the so called Victoria Market. It is a market during the day, like any other, with fruits etc, but once a week it is open late and you can find different varieties of food from all corners of the world.
See, we are “struggling around the world” to try various food cultures. Some people just drive to the town, tries everything in one place and returns to a comfy bed : ) Why didn’t we think about that ? ; )
In fact, we tried some good food, got a drive back home and slept in comfy beds! What is more, we are on a trip around the world!!!!! Can it get any better? : ) : ) : )
Well, actually it can! One afternoon, when Bobbie was preparing one of the many OUTSTANDING meals, Tommy made another try to show us that kangaroos actually exists in Melbourne as well :) And he succeeded! A short walk from our side, and a few jumps from the kangaroos side… and there it was – the meeting we’ve been “waiting for”! :)
It is time to say Goodbye to Melbourne, or “See you later” as we prefer it! And a biiiiiiig THANK YOU to the KINSKI family! You made our stay, all of you! : )
Thanks to you Bobbie, we are able to go on with our trip with new energy and repaired stomachs!! : )
Thanks to you Marty and Tommy, we will remember Melbourne with big smiles on our faces!
See you all in Europe!!!


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