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Australia » Yarra Valley
2012-02-01 ( Wednesday ) 07:12:21 GMT+1
While the boys were out fishing the second time, Magda and Jessie had a wonderful day at Yarra Valley wine yards. Nicole and Daniel picked us up after we’ve been doing some ‘charity walking/biking’, and after about an hour drive, we had lunch and some wine tasting together. Beautiful! Delicious! Wonderful! : ) : ) : )
Michelle in Adelaide and Nicole in Melbourne are sisters and Jessie’s cousins – both pregnant, and both took us for wine tasting (not able to enjoy the wine themselves :( ).
Thank you, girls!! Dan, Nicole’s husband, supported us in the tasting and got another few Polish words in return. God job, Dan! : )
It is a beautiful thing in the cities here in Australia (both in the West and South parts), that you can just go for a short ride and you are out in a different world, a wonderful atmosphere with good food. Perfect option for spending a weekend, just behind the corner! (You need a car though, like EVERYWHERE in Melbourne ; ) )
Jessie & Jedrek



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