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Australia » Time for a big fish
2012-01-27 ( Friday ) 03:26:41 GMT+1
We have been in Melbourne for a pretty long time- doing some " volunteering work".- namely, walking for about 4h a day, putting plastic charity bags in peoples mail boxes.Then this people are giving away old clothes and material and some of the money goes to charity. Many thanks to Tamara and Melbourne Textile Recycling for giving us such an opportunity! We did that almost every day and believe us walking with 7-8 kg on your back for 4 h in a sun is not an easy job! Nevertheless, we managed to do some cool things! One break from the walking was fishing! Andrew went out fishing, together with Marcin and Will the boys went out twice during our stay in Melbourne, and came back home with dinner both times! Whiteing, squids, salmon, garfish, and snapper. Not bad, not bad! ; ) Since the answer we got than we asked for more details about the boys days, was: "what happen on the boats stays on the boat". We will leave it that way... ; ) ; ) ;



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