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Australia » A wonderful weekend in Melbourne
2012-01-11 ( Wednesday ) 04:37:20 GMT+1
At the moment, we are spending some time in Melbourne ( living with some family friends, helping some other family friends : ) : ) But more about that in another post in the future : ) ).
Marcin, a family friend of Andrew, lives here in Melbourne and together with his wife Emilie, they are taking care of us, or rather spoiling us : )
We started with a lovely bbq on Friday afternoon in their garden, and then had a few beers in the city. Apparently, there are so many pubs and bars in Melbourne, one would never get through them, even if one would go to a new pub each time for a whole lifetime… Well, one was enough for us : )
On Saturday we had a nice day! They picked us up, we drove to Mornington Peninsula, and started off with a wonderful lunch at a winery – three different Italian pizzas on thin bread… beautiful! A quick wine tasting before they were done with the pizzas was exactly what we needed after the beer jugs we had the night before! : ) A beautiful spot, with delicious food, a wonderful feeling, and good company – is there a better way to spend a weekend? It is pretty hard to beat , that’s for sure!
Next stop was a beach, with a pier perfect for some fishing… The ladies – Magda, Emilie, and Jessie – brought some luck to the boys ; ) and they got a squid!!! Really cool (see pics). We also saw a massive stingray (not so clear on the pics unfortunately, but very cool ) and we were happy to stay on the jetty : ) far away from the bottom of the sea.
We also went to Sorento to try the famous Vanilla slices. It was time for some coffee, tea, and sugar… the beer jugs from one of the thousands of Melbourne’s pubs were giving signs again : ) One vanilla slice was enough to cover the dinner that day !
The boys had a secret plan, and took us to the last stop, to “show us another nice place”… and surprisingly there was a jetty there as well ! We turned around when we walked from the car and saw that they brought their fishing stick with them! One squid wasn’t enough : ) It was getting a bit cold, so the girls gave up after a while and went back to the car. This time, the fact that the girls left brought them luck! An even bigger squid and both Andrew and Marcin came back to the car satisfied! : )
On the way back, we passed a circus and stopped to get closer to some enormous lions. .. a cool end of a long day!
On Sunday, Marcin brought the squid to his mother’s house (where we live now), and we had squid and salad for supper! LUXURY!! : ) : )
Marcin & Emilie - THANK YOU for a great weekend! :)






Bo jest szampan i dziewczyny
Tort się nawet trafi czasem
{Jeśli nie jesteś pod lasem}
A gdy w podróżniczej manii
Dzień wypadnie na Tasmanii
Gdzie i dniami i nocami
Chodzisz do góry nogami
Możesz więcej wypić "zdrowia"
I nie wzywać pogotowia
Kiedy znów staniesz na nogi
I przed Tobą dalsze drogi
Otworzą się na świat cały
Przyjmij od nas wierszyk mały
Życzymy Ci należycie
Byś miał fajne całe życie.
Kasia Franio & Łuki

Błażej i Ewa







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