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Argentina » The Iguazu Falls
2012-05-13 ( Sunday ) 01:37:51 GMT+1
After our last wonderful day in Bolivia, it was time to move on... We are litterly running through this continent. It is very tiring, but great fun! We were planning around 10 days in each country, and we are doing pretty good. It´s amazing how much you actually can see of a country in 10 days. On the other hand, we get just a "pre taste" to know where we wanna come back one beutiful day. So far, South America has taken us with its charm, cultures, food, and colours!
Our 10 days in ARGENTINA are now "ticking"... :) :)
So, we RAN through Salta (litterly, with our big backpacks), to Posada, and further to IGUAZU!!
Of course, there was a reason behind our decision to jump on a 30 hours bus ride... the AMAZING IGUAZU FALLS!!! And yes, it was worth it!!! The distances in this country are ridicolous, but doable thanks to the buses they have here. Very luxury and expensive like everything here (!!), but due to the standard of the buses and the roads we save both time and money...which we are both running out of! :) We take over night buses, and sleep on them pretty well, so we are ready to see the next place when we jump off the bus!
On the bus to Iguazu, we met Rachel and Nick from the Solomon Islands/ New Zealand, and Ina from Germany! We had a great time together during our stay in Iguazu!
We will not describe the stunning waterfalls... it is almost impossible to describe their power... Just have a look! And then...look again! :):)
We ended our Iguazu adventure on the BORDERS of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Yes, 3 countries divided only by a river. We stood in Argentina, and saw both Brazil and Paraguay at the same time. Cool place! Nice moment for us, hard time for our phone networks...you receive a message "welcome to Brazil", and "Nek Minit" you get one from Argentina, and Paraguay :) (previous sentence with special dedications to Nick and Rachel).
From Puerto Iguazu, we jumped on another bus..."quick and easy"...only 19 hours this time, to BUENOS AIRES!! Good that the wine on the bus is included in the price!!!).











Błajaż :)

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