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United States » Napa Valley, Sacramento, Tahoe, Reno !
2012-03-29 ( Thursday ) 19:15:25 GMT+1
DAN - he did not only show us San Francisco, and everything around; he did not only let us stay at his place and took care of us...
...he also gave us his old Jeep Cherokee for two weeks !!! Our new little home on wheels.
With this opportunity we are now doing a loop in California and Nevada.
We have been to Napa Valley, the famous wineyards of California; Sacramento, the capital of the state; Lake Tahoe, a beautiful spot and a very popular SKI ( = SNOW!!!) resort; Reno, a smaller version of Las Vegas they say; and the real Las Vegas, where we are now!
Check out the photos guys, and wait for more from Las Vegas! :)
Jessie & Jedrek




Radek Z.


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