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Australia » Nullarbor Road from Perth to Adelaide
2011-12-22 ( Thursday ) 02:20:48 GMT+1
It is time for the Golden Trio to get back together again!! The goal is to be together for Xmas!
So we (Andrew and Jessie) had to figure out a way to get to Melbourne - only 3000km approximately : )
Since we didnt really know when we would go, we couldnt by the tickets while they were still cheap... and most of the Aussie people told us we shouldnt do hitch hiking...since that was our first idea : ) So we found George, a guy from gumtree.com.au, that was going to Adelaide by car, or van is the right description :) and were happy to take us with him.
On the way we played a game where one person is thinking of an item he/she can see and says " I spie, with my little eye, something that starts with S (for example)". Everything came to our minds - from sand, to bush, to desert, to sun, to "very long drive" :)
We stopped at the famous Wave Rock - which was pretty awesome actually! And then we spent the first night in Esperance - a little town - at a proper camping spot. We arrived pretty late, had our last sandwiches that day : ) and went to bed! Yes, BED! Not tent, not ground - we had a proper bed! George brought a real mattress, sheets, and a cover, in the back of the van! "I spie with my little eye, something that starts with L " Lift? No. Lake? No! Luxury? YES indeed! : ) : )
Another two nights on rest stops, 3000km on a road literally in the middle of NOWHERE (!), with a few places on the way - or towns as they call them (with POPULATION equals 8 !!!), we made our way from Western to South Australia!
An interesting thing was that you are not allowed to bring fruit or vegetables across the border! We had loaded with fruits for 3-4 days! HAHA. Andrew won the competition with a result of 8 carrots and 4 apples! "I spie....starts with F" --> Funny stomache!!! : ) : )
It was a lot better than we expected, and definitely an experience!! We managed to see a big part of real Australia! :)
Influnced by the new game we learned and practiced for 3000km we would like to play it with you guys:
I spie with my little eye, something that starts with M (here on the blog)
Show us what u got ; )

Tanya toronto






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