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Australia » Perth & Fremantle :)
2011-12-02 ( Friday ) 17:45:29 GMT+1
So we came bake to Perth... now without Magda.... and it sucked! :( We left her at the airport and drove back to the city (sleeping in the car that night) and sat quite pretty much the whole evening... it was strange and empty...
But on a journey like that, things change all the time, and we have to adjust to it to survive, so we had to accept it and go on... The next morning we woke up, lifted up our heads, and saw people walking their dogs "lets go, time to have a shower and breakfast at Kings Park" - apparently the biggest inner city park in the world! Thats how we ended our camping adventure and left our lovely car with the wicked tent on the roof... ! Highly recommended! :)
In the evening we met Michal and Andy for a local beer in the local brewery - a very cool place - "the little creatures" or something like that :) The story with Michal is pretty fun! To make a long story short, Michal lives here in Perth and works in a Tourist information where we were the first day and decided to grab a beer together or so when we will come back from Monkey Mia. At the same time my aunt, Eliza, got a contact for us, which occured to be him later on! Our parents where neighbours back in Poland, and here we were, meeting in Australia in a toursit office - HAHAHA - the world is smaller than we can imagine!
MICHAL - you have been trying to help us out in every possible way - thank you for that! And see you very soon! We hope you are enjoying the East Coast!!
We had to face the reality of a backpackers' life... namely the nasty rooms at a backpackers hostel... Are we getting too old for this? Maybe... probably... HAHA! It was a hard one, but we have been in worse places and situations than that - "No worries, mates"! :) :) After a couple of days, we got used to it and actually enjoyed our stay there. But the prices of the hostels here are killing all possible fun with staying at a place like that... I remember I was thinking " Am I staying in a room with 7 guys (snoring AND farting - luxury version), stinky socks, nasty and dirty clothes, and a bed with a f****g whole that is cracking my back for 30 auzzie dollars a night?!!! How the hell did I end up here?!"... Luckily I woke up and saw Andrews face expression while he was laying in another wonderful bed, and realized that I am not the only one with that questionmark in my mind :) :)
Anyway, we enjoyed Framantle for a couple of days. We really love this place. Both Perth and Framantle are very nice places by the seaside with beautiful views all over the place... We havent taken so many pictures of the views yet though, mostly of the sailing ( Andrew has been in charge of the camera, you can tell that by the sailing pics :) ). But we will upload some more pic during the next week !! :) :)
We went on the trainings for the Sailing Volunteering we are taking part in, and there we met Maureen - our new host :) We have now moved to Perth, and we are volunteering in Framantle - a 30 min train sleep in the morning - perfecto! :) And suddenly, the world looks different! We are enjoying again :) :) :) Living in a normal house, with a normal kitchen and a proper bed!! :-)
Today, we took part in the official opening ceremony of the Worlds ISAF Sailing Championships where we had the Swedish and Polish banners. Andrew had the Polish banner and the Polsih atletes went behind him with the Polish flag, and I did the same with the Swedes behind me :) It ended up as a pretty nice parade through Perth :) VERY hot though... and it was hard to stand the sun and the heat while standing in the middle of a square with no shadow at all... A couple of weeks more in the sun like that and we will both be blond (colour, as well as state of mind ;) - no offence blondi people! ) :) :) Seriously, we need to be careful, cause the sun here is reeeaaaaallly strong, and the sunscreen should be our best friend from now on! Tomorrow, we are both volunteering at the Sailing Event and it will be 36 degrees and sun all day - how is the weather back at home? ;) ;) ;)













Tanya Toronto






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