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Thailand » Thailand - sum up!
2011-10-26 ( Wednesday ) 03:48:19 GMT+1
Apart from the beautiful sights, the lovely water, and the good weather, the thing we enjoyed the most was the food in this country. Therefore, we decided to make a short sum up from Thailand in terms of meals we managed to capture on a couple of pictures. We will not try to convince you that this was the only thing we ate, because it was loads and loads more : )
From the cooking session in Bangkok, the Massaman curry was one of the girls favourit. This lovely dish, with onion, potatoes, chicken, coconut milk, chilli, and a lot more is different in every place. It is a traditional dish, so we were pretty sure that it will be good, wherever we ordered it. Andrzej started at day one with seafood and lasted through the whole stay. A bit disappointed that the mixed seafood only contained shrimps, squids and fish, he never gave up and ordered it with hope in his eyes every time. Even though it was not a complete mix, he enjoyed it a lot and seafood in every possible dish was investigated by Mr. Andrew. Magda, on the other hand, dedicated herself to the famous Thai dish Padtai – fried noodles with shrimps and cashew nuts and some more ingredients. But the reason why we only mention prawns and cashew nuts is that it was the main two ingredients that Magda was looking for during our stay in Thailand… Sometimes dissatisfied with the amount of the both, she decided to go outside the menu, and ordered only shrimps and cashew nuts as her last meal today. Ms Magdalena is done with both prawns and nuts for a while : ) Jessie was and still is fascinated by the different kinds of curry – massaman, red and green – which dominated in her choices during this lovely BIG TIME eating period we had here. The curries are more similar to a soup with a lot of ingredients, that she ordered with rice aside. Ms Jessica is satisfied with the amount of bowls of curry and coconut milk she had – and will keep the numbers to herself : )
We will all miss the Thai cuisine – and we are sure we will think of it many times during the rest of our trip. Thailand is a place where we will definitely come back, and the food is something we will take with us and implement in our own kitchen at home some day!
Enjoy the pics of our favourit meals, but we warn you guys – you will get hungry! : )
Goodby Thailand – Goodday Malaysia !








Mariusz G

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