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India » Delhi
2011-09-13 ( Tuesday ) 16:26:55 GMT+1
After the party at Niharikas, we woke up in the early morning to catch our flight to DELHI !!
We were actually very surprised of the metro, that is developed to a higher degree than in many European countries. And the Airport express that took us to the centre of New Dehli was very modern and "high class". We perceived Delhi very different from Mumbai at the first sight. We spent half a day in a tourist office (not the first time) to sort out our next tickets - to Agra and Varanasi. And guys : it seems like we are going to NEPAL :) :) :) For now, it looks like we managed to find a connection...but more about that later on!
Tired after the whole day, we were looking for a cheap hostel just to crash over the night... we didnt really care as long as there was a bed in the room! It is funny how the receptionists here reacts when we are telling them that we are 3 but we want only one room with one bed - haha budget style!
Early next day, we contacted Sonu, our new host and friend from Delhi. After taking the metro, talking to a rikshaw driver, following an old man, than another man and in the end a young boy we finally reached our destination - the locals helped us out again! IT would have been impossible for us to find the address otherwise. It is an area that was a slum before, and has now developed a bit and has real walls, electricity AND a toilet in the households. It is a poor area one could tell stright away...but it was something special about it... again, we felt like celebrities since everyone is watching us like aliens.. touching and smiling, taking fotographs and shaking hands! These cute kids walking home from school in their uniforms, men doing their laundry on a stone in the sun, women carrying the most amazing stuff on thier heads, and various smells from every corner... from trash and other really bad stuff to spices and good food... We could see that tourism has not come to this area yet, since they were all very honest, and nobody tried to rip us off..
Sonu and her husband organized a driver for us that took us all around Delhi. It was a good investment, since we only had one day to see as much as possible. We saw the gate of India, the parlament, the presidents crib :) and different temples! There are several nice things to see! We joined an evening pray in one of the temples which was very nice to see and experience... Observed some women praying while standing on a painted flower on the ground. Then taking one step to the next flower, praying again..and so on, and so on... Some religions has a neckless with wooden pearls or stones, some has flowers painted on the floor... same same, but SO different.. similar values but completely different worlds..
We ended our day with a lovely meal at Sonus place on the bed next to her sleeping sun... thanks a lot Sonu! It was a pleasure meeting you! And keep on doing what you are doing !! You save the childrens and womens lives.. This woman is amazing!
Pics as soon as possible - we have a lot!
Next: Agra






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